You’re Not Alone
Summer is a super hard time for special needs parents. Overall, it's hard to find a body of support to help unique families like us. Not to mention most families raising our special babies are broken families raised by single mothers or fathers. Chad and I work incredibly hard at our marriage, so I never want to give any illusion that we are blissfully happy at all times.
If I'm being brutally honest, lately we have been living day to day on a prayer with summer. Wyatt loves school and asks for it everyday, bless his heart. Due to the lack of teachers this summer, they cut summer school short by almost 2 weeks. We have had to get creative with his time, and like most autism parents, our special kids love one thing - their device!
I'm writing this for maybe no other reason than just to purely relate to anyone that's been struggling with the same issues. With our recent changes in living - aka selling our house and moving to an apartment on the beach - we have definitely relied on the beach and the pool for most of our entertainment. I know that isn't the case for many families. I'm praying for you, and I am feeling for you every single day. School starts in one week for us, and bless the bodies that are with our children daily, loving them, helping them learn, and being their second family - also creating those amazing routines!!! Also, here are some essentials we love for our Wyatt - every special abilities kid is different, so we are always searching for the next toy he will love!